West Walker has two trap fields and two skeet fields that are open to the public,
you do not have to be a member to shoot skeet and trap. Our fields are are disabled-accessible,
with lights for night time shooting. Voice activation is available on both trap fields and pullers are provided on the skeet fields.
Our trap machines are easily converted to throw Wobble Trap and Doubles Trap.
Marked cement pathways provide the means to shoot Handicap Trap as well.
Never shot the game but you’d like to try ? Just come on out.
There’s usually someone around who is more than willing to show you the ropes.
We welcome new shooters !
Wednesday | 9am-12:00 6:00pm-10:00pm |
Saturday | 10:00am-2:00pm |
Sunday | 10:00am-2:00pm |
Note: The Last line to go out will be no later than one-half hour prior to closing.
Shotgun Leagues
Trap and Skeet leagues are run in the winter and spring, with a banquet following league competitions. Fun shoots are held at various times throughout the year. Check our newsletters and the clubhouse for upcoming events. Check the most recent league information and league scores.
Important things to know
Only target loads with #7 ½ shot or smaller (8, 9, etc) are allowed on the trap and skeet fields.
The club does not rent guns
We accept Cash, Personal Checks, Visa, MasterCard and Discover
Trap and Skeet safety rules are posted on the fields. Please take the time to observe them!
25 Straight
If it's the first time you've shot 25 targets in a row we hope you've brought an extra hat, because we round everyone up and shoot it to commemorate the event!