There are still tickets left for the 2025 Big Gun Raffle. The first drawing is January 28.
Tickets are $60.00 and cover all 12 raffles, one per month January through December. Tickets will not be prorated, so purchase early to make sure your name is in the drawing for each of the 12 months. Your ticket is entered for the entire year even if you have already won a gun.
Only 300 tickets will be sold !! You do not need to be a member to purchase a ticket.
Tickets can be purchased at the Range Office and Shooting Desk. We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Drawings are the last Tuesday of each month. Winners are notified by phone and listed each month in the newsletter.
The Sportsman’s Banquet
On Saturday March 29, 2025, the Sportsman’s Banquet will be held at the
clubhouse at O-599 Leonard St. NW. Last year this event was sold out so
purchase your tickets as soon as possible to insure you have a place for this fun
filled evening. You do not need to be a member to attend. The fun will begin at
5:30 pm with cocktails, appetizers, games, Chinese raffles, and tables full of
prizes for you to win! Dinner will be served at 7:00.
The cost to attend the banquet is $60 per person, age 16 and under is $30. This includes dinner
and a door prize. Tickets ordered in groups of 8 will receive reserved seating. After we receive
your check your admission ticket will be mailed to you. You will need this ticket to get into the
door on banquet night. Any pre-ordered raffle tickets will be given to you at the banquet. We
encourage you to pre-order raffle tickets to avoid the lines the night of the banquet.
All orders must be mailed to the PO Box on the order form. No orders can be dropped off or
purchased at the clubhouse or range. Click on this link to download and print the order form.
Early Bird Special – If your order is postmarked by March 1st you are automatically entered into
the drawing for the Early Bird gun. This raffle is limited to adults only.
Corporate Table – Corporate tables are available for $2,000 which includes reserved seating,
admission tickets, door prizes and a 1 year Associate Membership gift certificate for each of the
eight people seated at your table. Each table will also have a Taurus Judge to be won by one
person at your table. The table sponsor is offered a business card size ad in our monthly
newsletter to advertise your business, to run for 12 consecutive issues. Each corporate table will
get preferred seating and first priority food service. If you would like a corporate table please
have your ticket order form postmarked by March 1st.
Grand Prize - The Grand Prize is for 3 guns: a Henry Side Gate .360 Buckhammer, a Beretta A300
Ultima Realtree Max 7 in 12g and a Sig Sauer P320 AXG Pro 9mm. MSRP for all 3 guns is over
$3,600.00. One ticket wins all 3 guns. Tickets are $10 each or 3/$25. When purchasing 3/$25 all 3
tickets must be to the same person. Tickets are currently available at the Range Office and
shooting desk. You can also pre-order them with your admission ticket or purchase them at the
banquet. Click on this link to download and print the Grand Prize Guns poster.
Gun List – As in past years, there will be an extensive list of guns to be raffled off. We are still in
the process of deciding which guns we will offer, so those details will be coming soon.
General Raffle Prices and Packages – We offer two general raffle packages. Our $200 package
includes 70 tickets, valued at $350. Our $100 package includes 30 tickets, valued at $150. These
packages will be available for purchase at the banquet but we encourage you to pre-order them.
General raffle tickets (singles) will be sold at the banquet for $5 each.
African Safari – A South African safari will be auctioned off, click here for details!
You definitely do not want to miss this year’s Sportsman’s Banquet and your chance to win
Guns, Camping Equipment, Fishing Equipment, and tons of great stuff!
Click on this link to download and print the order form.
If you have any questions please email them to or call/text Char Willyard
at 616-498-1545.
Tickets are now available for the 2025 Sportsman's Banquet Grand Raffle
Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25 (Note: Tickets purchased as 3 for 25 must be to the same person) and available at the Range Office or Shotgun Desk.
Drawing to be held March 29, 2025. You do not need to be present to win.
Winner will get a package of 3 guns valued at over $3,500. Henry Side Gate .360 Buckhammer, Beretta A300 Ultima Realtree Max 7 - 12G and Sig Sauer P320 AGX Pro 9MM
Registration begins at 08:30, and the Field Day will run until 1:00pm.
After the Field Day we will offer several "electives" to provide hands-on activities to reinforce what they have learned. The electives are not required for them to get their Hunter's Safety certificate. The elective portion of the day will run from 1:00pm to 4:00pm (if there is enough interest). I will be passing the details of the electives on to the registrants, but they will include Natural Disaster Preparedness, Map & Compass, and Outdoor Skills/Survival. We may also include Skeet and Riflery, but that is still in the works. Each elective module will last 1 to 2 hours, and the registrants will choose which they want to attend.
IMPORTANT: Some club activities may be closed while that part of the facility is used for this class. Please call before you come to use the facility.MM
The club will be closed for our spring cleanup and several projects/improvements planned around the club. Breakfast and lunch provided. We
start at 8am and work until 4pm. The club will be closed to all shooting and normal events on this day.
WWSC and Rockford sportsmans club are both having a blacklight shoot this is not a league
just held opposite weeks. The event starts at 6pm.
This is a special event shoot it will be $8 a line for either club.
WWSC dates Jan 4th, 18th, Feb 1st, 15th and final March 1st.
Rockford sportsman’s club dates Jan 11th, 25th, Feb 8th. 22nd and final March 8th.
Eye and ear protection is required!
Only #7.5, #8, and #9 shot can be used
$8/line (25 birds per line) up to 30 rounds of ammo.
On August 17th from 9AM - 5PM at the clubhouse we will be holding a shooting sports swap meet
** MEMBERS Only ** - Must have membership card to enter
- Show participants $10 per table - Must register for event before July 19th.
▪ Contact Mike Emmons at:
- Show attendees $3 entry fee.
- Burgers, Fries and Drinks available from 11am - 2pm
Reloading Supplies & Equipment, Bullets / Shells /Long Guns / Pistols / Shotguns, Holsters and other misc. gun related items will be for sale.
- Pistol & Long Gun sales, if you are a CPL holder:
o Bring your CPL card to the event, MI RI-060 forms available to
complete so the seller can report the sale to their local police / sheriff's
office. o Long Gun sales do still require RI-060, but no submission to
the police department.
Pistol & Long Gun sales, non-CPL holder:
- Appointments can be made at the event with the seller to visit FFL for transfer.