The fifth annual West Walker Sportsmans Banquet
was held on Saturday, March 24th. As in years past, the
banquet was well attended by an enthusiastic group of sportsman and
(Click image for larger view)
The doors opened at 5:30 pm and even though
there was a long line to get in, it went pretty quickly. Each
person attending received a nice door prize as they arrived and a chance
to be the lucky winner of a 32" LCD flat screen television. This
was something new this year and was really a great addition to the
event. Each guest was given a name tag with a number on it and if
you participated, your number went into the drawing for the TV.

(Click image for larger view)
On my way to pick up my door prize I had to
wonder past the grand prize drawing table for the big gun raffle. It was
hard to turn down the chance to win those 5 great guns or the nice
Chinese raffle guns right next to them. That 17 HMR looked pretty
enticing. During the
cocktail hour the guests were able to test their skills at a number of games, purchase chances on the
multitude of Chinese raffle items, and wonder around the three large raffle tables.

(Click image for larger view)
A very nice dinner was
served at around 7:30 and featured excellent chicken and BBQ pulled pork, potatoes, rolls and butter, and coleslaw. There was
plenty to eat and no one should have went home hungry. Once dinner was
finished, everyone waited anxiously to see if they would go home with a great prize.
prizes were given out, beginning with the Chinese raffle items intermixed with blitz raffles and the
prizes from the three big raffle tables followed by the big gun raffle
winner and the lucky winner of the 32" flat panel TV. What an
exciting night for all those winners. Even those who didn't win
were caught up in the excitement of coming so close. When it was
all finished many thousands of
dollars in guns, hunting, fishing, and camping equipment were given away.

(Click image for larger view)
A big THANK YOU to all who attended and help support this
annual fundraiser. The money raised will help fund some of the
club improvements planned for this year. A BIG thanks also to all of the club members who helped
out at the banquet or volunteered their time and effort in putting this
years event together.