Our first "ICEMAN CHALLENGE" winter
silhouette match turned out to be a success, with over thirty entries
being fired. Many arrived early and stayed all day. A few guys from the
silhouette committee worked the previous Saturday building a heated
shelter and putting up long windbreaks at the shooting stations and
insulating the fire control shack.
Anyone from Michigan knows that the middle of February can mean deep
snow, single digit temperatures and minus degree wind chill. The weather
was unseasonably mild and most of the snow had melted while this was
done, and we thought it would pose a problem getting down range to set
targets in the muddy conditions. Then it turned nasty and the winds blew
hard during the week and knocked everything down and shredded the tarps
and all had to be rebuilt in just a couple days.

The target setting crew hard at work.(Click Image for
larger view)
Match day was fairly decent, with the sun coming out and the wind
slowing down a bit.It did snow quite heavy at times, making the targets
stand out really nice against snow covered berms. |

Left to Right: Dave Krysiak, Rick Heyt, Deb Heyt, Dave Freas, Bill Freas, Dennis, Dan Larabel, Rich Vaughn, Scott
Larabel, and Jeff Smith.(Click Image for larger view)
With Plenty of hot coffee, killer homemade chili supplied by Deb Heyt, and seeing everyone again made for a great day. Should you
visit us when she brings chili or barbeques, believe Rick when he says
you only need a small drop of his hot sauce per bowl, otherwise you’ll
have numb lips and a tongue on fire like I found out.
There were some very impressive scores turned in also. Dave Krysiak
and Rich Vaughn shot into the field pistol records program. It was good
to see Doc. Jeff Smith again. You couldn’t tell by his shooting that
he was away from it for a year. We hope to see more of him this season.
We intend to make this an annual event, and continue to improve upon it.
Thanks to all who drove so far to shoot ,including both the new and
familiar faces. Thanks to the guys who spent so much of their time
preparing the range, (twice) and helping run the match. We welcome all
new first time shooters and welcome back those that left us for awhile.
Look at the change in the scheduled shoot dates for the spring and
summer and bring a friend or two next time. See you there.
Scott Larabel
Match Director |